Drubpon Rachel & Giorgio Savigliano - The Path to Freedom / The Six Perfections - Concentration and Wisdom

The Path to Freedom - The Six Perfections
with Drubpon Rachel and Giorgio Savigliano

Freedom is something that most people search for in these times. Freedom to do what we want and not be controlled by others or outer circumstances.
According to the Buddhist teachings true freedom is a state of mind. Even if we have outer freedom if our mind is controlled by negative emotions and thought patterns we will not feel free no matter where we are.

The path of the Six Perfections is the path of a Bodhisattva. One who lives in service to others not in service to self.  Actually, our freedom comes when we enter the natural flow of life. Our true nature is interconnection. The Six Perfections are teachings for daily life: how to be in the world with others in harmony and through that actualizing our true inner freedom.

These events are part of "Dharmadhara Studien-und Praxisprogramm".
Get more information: ⇒ dharmadhara.de

November 24 – 26
Six Perfections: Generosity
February 2-4
Six Perfections: Morality
March 15–17
Six Perfections: Patience
April 19 – 21
Six Perfections: Joyous Effort

*May 17 – 20
Six Perfections: Concentration and Wisdom
*Please note: This is the long Pentecost-weekend and the event will take place from Friday 19:30 to Monday 12:30
This time it is possible to attend the teachings online on 2 days.


19:30-21:00 Introduction
7:00-8:15 Yoga of the Subtle Body
8:30 Breakfast
10:00–12:30 Teachings and Practice
12:30 Lunch
15:30–18:30 Teachings and Practice
18:30 Dinner
19:30 Practice and Mantra
7:00–8:15 Yoga of the Subtle Body
8:30 Breakfast
10:00–12:30 Teachings and Practice
12:30 Lunch

→ Avalokiteshvara
→ Praying Book


Participation in person 17.05.-20.05.24
250,00 € regular I 213,00 € reduced
Online-Participation 18.05.24 & 19.05.24
80,00 € regular I 68,00 € reduced

In this Retreat you can participate online on Pentecost weekend on 2 days, Saturday and Sunday.
Click here for ⇒ REGISTRATION - ONLINE-Participation - Saturday 18.05.2024 & Sunday 19.05.24

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